About 关于新河
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Enterprise Vision
  • Enterprise SpiritStriving, innovative, efficient, sincere
  • Business PhilosophyApproaching the world and creating Chinese famous brand
  • Quality PolicyManagement is the root, quality is the foundation, innovation is the road and service is the road
  • Management policyLeaders are sentimental, Management is ruthless, Institutional exclusivity
  • Production PrincipleNon-conforming raw materials are not put into production, unqualified semi-finished products are not transferred to the next process, and unqualified products are not put in warehouse.
  • Enterprise StyleUnited, cooperative, practical and innovative
  • Principle of EmploymentPeople-oriented, morality first
  • Personnel ManagementUse the advantages of talents for suitable positions
  • Personnel GuidelinesJust, fair and open
  • MottoQuality inspection is in the hand, and product consciousness is in the heart

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